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Flagship store

Merchants stationed in Meili with their own brand (trademark R or TM) (proxy brand, brand authorization letter needs to indicate that this company has exclusive authorization)

Franchise store

A specialized store that operates two or more other persons or goods of its own brand, and operates both other persons'brand goods and goods of its own brand.

Exclusive shop

Merchants hold authorizations from others and operate single-brand stores

Business Orientation

1. Brand

Gome Online Open Platform, a well-known brand at home and abroad, will, as always, safeguard sellers'brand interests to the maximum extent, respect brand traditions and connotations, and welcome flagship stores of high-quality brands to stay. See Gome Online Open Platform Hot Takes Brand 2015.

2. Commodities

Gome online buyers can meet the needs of high-quality, distinctive goods.

Configuration of goods by category structure.Category business advisory can be found in the "Gome Online Open Platform Category Contact Method".

3. Vertical E-Commerce Website

Vertical e-commerce websites for a specific industry or segment of the market, for specific people and specific needs, such as luxury bags, automotive products, food and wine, sports outdoors, and so on.

Gome Online Open Platform welcomes vertical e-commerce.Gome Online Open Platform is willing to share its high-quality user group with professional vertical e-commerce enterprises, and welcomes vertical e-commerce to provide Gome Online users with professional goods and services in this field.

Rate standard

1. Guarantee: The amount paid by the seller to Gome Online to guarantee the normal operation of the store and the quality of goods and services.When a seller breaches the contract or violates the regulations, Gome Online may deduct the corresponding amount of deposit as liquidated damages or compensate the buyer in accordance with the relevant agreements signed with the seller and the rules of Gome Online Open Platform.Renewal merchants are required to pay the next year's deposit in one lump sum within the time required for renewal in that year; new signers are required to pay the same year's deposit in one lump sum when applying for residence approval.

2. Platform usage fee: Fixed technical service fee paid by the seller when using the services of Gome Online Open Platform in accordance with the relevant agreements signed with Gome Online.

3. Technical Service Fee: The fee that the seller pays to Gome Online in proportion to the business category when each single transaction is concluded (this ratio is called "Technical Service Fee Rate" or "Gross Margin Guarantee Rate" in the relevant agreements signed with the seller).

Contact information

Supplier: Company name, e.g.'Supplier: XX Company'

Send method: Find the corresponding person in charge of the category according to the product you are running and send mail.

Mail Content:

1. Details (Contact, Contact Address, Contact Phone)

2. Company Profile (Company Profile, Company Web Site, Registered Capital, Supplier Level (Manufacturer, Country Agent, First-Level Agent, Second-Level Agent, Other), Products sold.)

3. Whether VAT invoices can be issued.

Note: Each of your emails will be reviewed in detail and will be answered within 2 business days.If no reply is received within 2 working days or if the process of merchandising business encounters artificial obstacles or delays, you can feedback to ""Mailbox.Business-level issues should be addressed directly to the head of the category.

* content:
previous:Residence Agreement